Kimberly Fry’s Retirement Journey

Kimberly Fry’s Retirement Journey

After retiring, going back to school, and finding her way into the fitness industry, Kimberly Fry is sharing how she found meaning in the weight room on her retirement journey.

I’m Kimberly Fry, and I have been in the fitness industry since 2014 when I was 48. I started working out with a personal trainer mainly to get in shape for a Mediterranean cruise. My personal trainer had a lot of experience in competitive bodybuilding, and she prompted me to get involved as well.

Finding Support

My sister also encouraged me to start bodybuilding. She had been a competitive bodybuilder for many years and decided to get back into competing. My first competition was only six months after I started working with a 

personal trainer. My body responded well and I placed first in my categories. I was motivated to go on and become a multi-pro athlete.

As I became more and more involved in competitive bodybuilding, I learned that consistency is very important in my fitness routine. My diet, on the other hand, has changed and been adjusted many times over the past six years. I have taken guidelines from a nutritionist and adjusted them for what works for my body.

I’ve completed nine times over the past six years. My current personal trainer, Dave Avery; my nutritionist, Julie Avery; my husband, Graham; my son, Jordan; my sister, Christine; my family; and my friends were all there for me—all the time.

Life Throws You Curveballs

Things were very difficult for me in 2016. I lost my hair due to a hairdresser’s neglect, I retired and went back to school, and my son, who has a rare chromosomal disorder, had finished school and needed my care full-time. Then I lost my brother to brain cancer.

I had so many obstacles to face, but I managed with sheer willpower and self-talk. Life throws you curveballs sometimes, but I was able to pick up all the pieces and compete at the World Championship in 2019. It was so challenging to continue, but I know how important health and fitness are and that my brother would have been so proud of me.

Be Your Own Ally

After working 30 years in business, going back to school, and graduating with an honors degree in medical aesthetics, my second career has become my passion. In the early years of my career, I would have defined 

retirement journey

success as being paid well, being promoted, and having recognition. Since retiring and moving into a new career, I have defined success as being happy and helping others. 

To women who want to attain their goals in bodybuilding, my advice would be to embrace your starting point and remain steadfast in your journey. There will be many people and obstacles along the way, and self-talk is your most powerful tool. Learn how to talk to yourself and know that you are incredible for even wanting to achieve your goals.








By : Heather Eason

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