This is My Normal

This is My Normal


My Normal

Not everyone understood Carla Torchia’s passion for figure competitions, but she learned to tune out the doubters and pursue her own definition of success.

It’s never too late

I’ve been involved in fitness since I was 18 and in my first year of university. I didn’t start competing until 2011—but in the past eight years, I’ve done 14 competitions. My first coach had been encouraging me to compete for three years before I finally said yes and committed in 2011. She said that between my work ethic in the gym and my body type, I would be great in either a bikini or figure. It was my choice, so I chose figure.


Hooked on competition

At 42, I took fitness to the next level and began to compete. I truly loved and enjoyed the process, the journey, the challenge, and the results. I also really loved the stage.

Once I had finished my first competition, I was hooked. Now I’m 14com- petitions into the sport and love it more and more with each show!

It’s all about balance

This is My Normal

My dedication to fitness hasn’t wavered—I didn’t work this hard for all these years to let it all fall apart.

The key is balance! I let myself indulge in moderation by eating treats after I reach a goal.

I also treat myself to things that don’t revolve around food, such as massages, manicures and pedicures, facials, and soaking in baths. I also like to do some shopping from time to time. Even a non-competition-type workout at my own pace can feel like a treat. My fitness and diet routine is vastly different now from when I started. Early on, I didn’t feel myself properly or eat nearly enough for the amount of energy I was exerting. I didn’t truly understand the importance of nutrition or hydration.

Now, I find that “everything in moderation” has its place, but so does giving 100 percent where and when I need to. Both have their place in my lifestyle.

Learning to laugh it off

My biggest challenge was when someone would blurt out: “When will you be normal?” I would cringe and get so upset! This is my normal. Over time, I learned to laugh it off. I realized that ignorance is bliss and that obviously, those who would say that to me wanted me to live a totally different lifestyle.


Finding success

My success goes beyond my profession, which is an entrepreneur at a franchisee restaurant business. Actually, my success has nothing to do with my profession. I’m a mother of three amazing kids—they, too, are exceptional human beings, all three of them. That’s the biggest success.

If you’re not a good, kind-hearted human, you will not succeed in this lifetime.

My children, my family, my friends, and my will to do good and be kind . . . those are what have brought me my greatest success. They matter more than any restaurant I’ve worked in or any trophy I’ve won at a competition..







By : Heather Eason

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