When Life gives you Lemons

… do EVERYTHING with them! This citric fruit is a multi-hyphenated wonder and will help you from head to toe, and from the kitchen to the laundry room.

★ Mildew shower? Mix a quarter cup of salt with enough lemon juice to make a paste, then scrub like your life depends on it.

★ Composting is good for the earth but those lemon rinds are even better for your trash can. Throw some in every few days to help neutralize odors.

★ To prevent your cut apples, potatoes, and avocados from browning, soak them in a mixture of cold water and lemon juice.

★ Free yourself of clogged drains by dumping boiling water, a cup of lemon juice and half a box of baking soda down the offending hole.

★ A mixture of equal parts lemon juice and vinegar is perfect for cleaning and disinfecting many surfaces, including wood. (Just steer clear of marble.)

★ Banish sweat stains from the armpits of your shirts (we all get them) by soaking the area in equal parts lemon juice and water.

★ Get sun-kissed hair without sapping your locks of moisture. Apply a mixture of conditioner and lemon juice (about a 1:4 ratio) to dry hair, expose to sunlight for an hour or more, then rinse out. Repeat as necessary.

★ Mix one tablespoon of each honey and lemon juice in warm water. Sip to help soothe and repair sore throat.

★ Use a baking soda and lemon juice concoction to bust through rust stains.

★ Clean a scuzzy cheese grater by rubbing the cut side of half a lemon over it.

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