Digging Deep

From Overweight Mom to Fitness Role Model, Michelle’s Inspiring Journey

Michelle Leavitt had always been active, but having twins threw a wrench in her routine. Then she proved that even a busy mom can get into the best shape of her life.

A New Challenge

I was born in New York in 1968, but I currently live in Texas. I have always been physically fit, although I can’t say that I understood nutrition when I was younger. Before I became pregnant I was running marathons, lifting weights, and playing golf. I was in good shape and as long as I didn’t overeat, I stayed at a healthy weight.

The heaviest I ever weighed was 200 pounds when I was pregnant with my twins at 35 years old. After the birth of my twins, I was an emotional and physical wreck. I wasn’t used to being overweight or out of shape. Lots of exercises helped me to drop the weight, but it wasn’t until 10 years later, while bodybuilding, that I truly understood nutrition and was able to achieve a healthy balance.

Troubles with Twins

Raising twins was incredibly hard. My husband traveled for work and was usually gone Monday through Friday. One night my twins had the stomach flu. They would wake up crying with their pajamas and sheets dirty. I changed the girls and their beds and put them back to sleep, only to repeat until I was out of clean sheets.

Both of my girls were crying, and I started to cry too. I called my husband in his hotel room 2,000 miles away just so he could hear how my night was going. I knew he couldn’t help, but I felt better after his encouraging words. Digging Deep

Finding Strength

During tough times like these, finding time to exercise was so important for my body and my mind. I had my girls in a jogging stroller soon after they came home from the hospital. I was back in the gym six weeks post-partum. A healthier and happier mama is better for everyone. Make the time and invest in your health!

As the girls got older it became easier. They slept more and in turn, I slept more and felt better. I started taking my fitness regimen to the next level, and I completed the Ironman Texas triathlon in 2014. Events like this proved to me that I was in control of my body, and I could achieve amazing results with hard work and dedication.

50 and Fabulous

When my twins were 12 years old, I started prepping for my first bodybuilding competition. Right after they were born, exercise was the most important factor for getting in shape. Now, for bodybuilding, diet is the key. My personal trainer—who is also a mom—was a huge help both physically and mentally.

Thanks to my newfound understanding of nutrition, I’m in better shape at 50 years old than I was in my 20s and 30s. I’ve learned how to balance a healthy lifestyle and a social life. I look and feel 10 years younger than I am, and life has never been better.

I admire all women who work full-time, travel or have a family to take care of and still make fitness and nutrition a priority in their lives. I’m proud to be setting a good example for my twins, who are now almost 16. They make healthy eating choices, and they’re physically active in school sports. They enjoy going to the gym or for a run or a bike ride.



By : Heather Eason

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